The year of my life!

Well it’s the end of 2019 and what a year it has been! I can’t believe how much has happened. I am definitely a different person to the one that started the year.

This time last year I was looking forward to a year of celebrating for my 40th birthday, I wasn’t quite sure how, but I knew I wanted to mark the occasion. I was happy that I was turning 40 and felt that it was something to be celebrated. I had not long had my new puppy Niko and was finding him hard work. He is still a huge overgrown puppy and is now nearly two but he is slowly learning to fit in with us. I love him to bits and he completes our wonderful family.

In February everything changed as I was presented with an opportunity that I couldn’t have planned for. They do say ‘life begins at 40!’ I was offered the chance to train as an aerialist and become an aerial teacher. Even when I chose to do this I never realised what a journey this would be. I was excited and unsure but prepared to work hard. When I think back to where I started, I can’t believe how far I’ve come. I was scared of everything and lacked confidence. I have to thank one person in particular for believing in me at the start and that was Becky, my teacher and my inspiration. I don’t get chance to go to Becky’s classes as much now but it was thanks to her that I could even contemplate this path.

December 2018

At the start of this journey I felt like I had so much to prove but all I really had to do was listen to myself. I have grown so much in confidence and ability and faced some of my fears. I still have a way to go but I know what I need to do. I am happier with who I am right now.

Along this journey yoga has played a huge part. I began my yoga journey two years ago and it has become a part of my life as has meditation. Without these I would not be the person I am. I feel so much better, healthier, stronger and focused. I am still very much exploring yoga and it’s something I am learning more about all the time especially when fusing yoga and aerial together. But one thing is for sure, yoga is a part of my life now and will be throughout my life to come.

I recently injured my toe during aerial and this helped me evaluate my thoughts of aerial. Aerial is a huge part of my life now and the thought of not doing this anymore is devastating. I know a lot of people don’t understand as it’s an obscure sport and some think it’s some kind of strange sexual activity. I can assure you it’s not.

I must remember to move forward at a pace that is safe and not to skip over the hard work and injure myself. My aerial goals at the moment are to increase flexibility and to become stronger in my head stand. I have increased so much in strength this year but sometimes my flexibility has its limits. I know that I need to work on hip strength as this has been an issue since having my children and it’s time to focus on fixing the things I broke over the years. Funnily enough my left leg and hip is strong, I find this fascinating as I have never had this level of health in my left side. Since being knocked down by a car at the age of eleven I have compensated and relied on my right side to carry me. Aerial and yoga has made me use both sides equally without me even realising it and repairing years of muscle weakness.

First attempt.

In 2020 I will finally get my summer house in the garden, it’s main purpose to hang my own hammock. Having my own practise space at home will make such a huge difference I will be able to work on regular flexibility and develop my choreography further too. We gained planning permission for the extra height so it will be fantastic to see this being built.

There are many other amazing things that I have done this year but yoga has definitely played a part in almost all of them. My trip to soul circus was an experience that was unexpected. It was so good to be around all those positive people and to take a few days with no responsibilities to re focus. I also spent a week in Sherwood forest in the hottest weather of the year. This was a relaxing week of doing nothing and was exactly what I needed to recharge amongst the beautiful trees. My trip to Rome was another highlight. We saw so many sights, had amazing weather and spent time with my mum which is a wonderful thing to do. Rome was beautiful with good food and friendly people it was everything I hoped for.

I have this year been supporting my two sons to further their lives too. One is searching for his first home and the other is learning to drive and has been taking me out in the car. It’s been lovely to spend time with both of them. They are at the age where it’s a choice if they spend time with me so it’s nice that they do.

I also met a new friend but she is one very special lady that I feel like I’ve known my whole life. I know that she will be part of my life for the many years to come and I love how aerial has brought us together. I’m so glad to have met her.

My day job has definitely been challenging this year and at times emotional. It’s difficult to detach from it. When working with people, it’s impossible to not care. But I guess the fact I do care means I can do my best for the children and families I work with. I definitely need to work on remaining a little more neutral at work and not letting little things bother me so this is my focus for the year to come. I am blessed to work with some amazing people that I can also call friends.

Health wise the year has been pretty good up till September when I had an 8 week cold, chest infection, out of control asthma and loss of voice. I am definitely trying to add more into my diet that can help me fight these awful things. Through all of that I only missed one aerial class and I feel that this has kept me going even through these tough times. Hopefully my immunity will continue to increase. What I hadn’t expected was how much my body has changed from practising aerial. I haven’t lost any weight but my figure is completely different. I am more toned and a different dress size. Just an added bonus 😁

On the 1st January 2019 I posted this quote from the beginning of a book I was reading. I didn’t know then how true this would be by the end of the year.

I really don’t know what 2020 will bring but if it’s anything like 2019 it’s going to be awesome!

When I started this blog I was very much delving into my past to try and understand why I feel the way I do about things in daily life. This journey I’ve been on has made me realise that a lot of the past doesn’t matter, it has been and gone. I can’t say that this is true about all of my past but I’m working on that. I have had a varied past full of good and bad times and sometimes it’s good to share those experiences with people that need to know I’ve been there too. It’s easy to forget where you came from but remembering is what makes you appreciate what you have right now. So my blog takes a new direction, to consider new issues and to celebrate small victories.

What will you be focusing on this year?

Happy new year!